Love, Joy, Peace...
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Your Address (Required)
Your Phone Number (Required)
We practice baptism by immersion (the entire body going under the water). Have you been baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in this manner? (Required)
If you answered no to the previous question, you will need to be baptized. Please tell us if there is any reason that would prevent you from being baptized by immersion as described above. (Required)
If you answered Yes above, just type "Baptized" here.
If you have been baptized in the manner described above, please provide to the best of your knowledge where, when and who performed your baptism.
Confirm your baptism
Please share with us the reason for your desire for membership with our local church community.
What do you believe you can contribute as a member of the church?
Describe how you believe you will be an asset to the church.