Love, Joy, Peace...
My Discipleship Diary
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Mission Outreach
Choose Discipleship Actions from the Mission Outreach Category
1. I would like to practice the following disciplines: (Required)
Call or visit an absent, sick or shut in member. Give someone a church card and/or invite them to visit our website and/or churc
Give someone a church card and/or invite them to visit our website and/or church and be your invited guest.
Give someone a follow up call or visit you recently did something with or met at church or somewhere else to let them know you a
Invite someone you know, have met or have been talking to or praying for to meet you or go with you to a Sunday service.
Left a like, share or comment on social media that helps promote awareness of the Church.
Prayer Ministry
Choose Discipleship Actions from the Prayer Ministry Category
2. I would like to practice the following disciplines: (Required)
Pray for God’s guidance, protection and well-being for the local and global church and leaders.
Pray for healing, guidance or deliverance for a special situation, issue or event in the life of at least one other person.
Pray for healing, guidance or deliverance for a special situation, issue or event in your own life.
Pray for the upcoming Sunday services and worship experience.
Choose Discipleship Actions from the Spiritual Engagement Category
3. I would like to practice the following disciplines: (Required)
Brought my child to participate in the teaching ministries of the church.
Came back or attended an afternoon or night service.
Contributed to Sunday morning teaching ministry with a comment or question related to the teaching.
Go online and provide reflections on your Sunday worship experience,
Helped or assisted in a church ministry - teaching, music, social, usher, communication, membership, etc. this Sunday.
Helped or assisted in a church ministry - teaching, music, social, usher, communication, membership, etc. this Sunday.
Choose Discipleship Actions from the Stewardship Category
4. I would like to practice the following disciplines: (Required)
Set aside and gave the tithe to the church.
Gave an offering over and above my tithe.
Gave to the church and/or parking lot debt reduction
I improved my giving percentage or amount to the church.
Used my time, skill, talent and/or resources to do something needful for the church. (repairs/maintenance, service, ministry, et
Used my time, skill, talent and/or resources to help improve the life of someone (family, friends, coworker, neighbor, etc)
Choose Discipleship Actions from the Spiritual Growth Category
5. I would like to practice the following disciplines:
Self-check negativity toward anything or person and praying for the release of it.
Fast for a spiritual matter, request or concern for someone, the church or self.
Make improvements on eliminating some area or aspect of my life that is not what I need or want it to be.
Meditate on how you can be a blessing to the church this coming Sunday or were a blessing last Sunday through something you can
Preview the week’s Sunday School study and read the daily and lesson scripture.
Replayed and listened to some part of Sunday’s teaching, worship or preaching ministry.
Seek information on a spiritual topic, word or subject you are interested in or asked to find more about.
Spent at least 15 minutes in quite undisturbed time in prayer and meditation
Flag Branch Missionary Baptist Church
2619 Old Pageland-Monroe Road, Monroe, NC 28112
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